Talk:King's Knife

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Latest comment: 30 October 2024 by Taylan in topic Very Rare Variant via UUID
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Very Rare Variant via UUID[edit source]

The King's Knife has two variants. The UUID:70852e1a-47da-3121-a3a9-f701f811c187 generates the Very Rare King's Knife with superior weapon enchantments and passives.

This page shouldn't provide the UUID for the Very Rare Variant but only the unique variant only obtainable from Orgarth. I will update this UUID. I'm not yet sure how to obtain the Very Rare variant but it needs its own entry associated with its proper UUID.

FuriousTortoise (talk) 01:49, 22 October 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Where are you seeing UUID:70852e1a-47da-3121-a3a9-f701f811c187 here? The UUID listed on this page is 5908898d-5d9e-40de-ab07-3f8fb5f0174c which properly corresponds with WPN_Duergar_Sword_KingsKnife in the mod toolkit. 70852e1a-47da-3121-a3a9-f701f811c187 does not correspond to any item in the game, as far as I can see.
You're right that something is screwy here, though. In the mod toolkit I see that this item is not a longsword, but a shortsword, and it has the exact same stats and abilities as Knife_of_the_Undermountain_King, which I believe is the "Very Rare" variant you were referring to. In fact, Knife_of_the_Undermountain_King is actually a child object of King's_Knife, and inherits most of its properties, including its visual model. Because both items reference the same stat block (MAG_Duergar_Sword_KingsKnife), they're functionally identical, making them both Very Rare.
What makes this particularly odd is that there is a stat block for WPN_KingsKnife that matches what's listed on this page: basic longsword stats with no magical enhancements. However, that stat block is not attached to either variant. It doesn't appear to be referenced by any item in the game. My best guess is that at some point this was changed during the game's development, and the WPN_KingsKnife stat block was never deleted.
This page should probably be changed to reflect the stats that are actually attached to this weapon. Caiwyn (talk) 18:18, 27 October 2024 (CET)Reply[reply]
I've just edited the page again to what I think is the actual situation. Someone on the Larian Discord confirmed that the actual weapon dropped in-game is still a non-magical Longsword as of the latest patch.
And here's a complete overview of the situation with regards to weapon entries and item templates:
Weapon Entries:
  1. WPN_KingsKnife
  2. MAG_Duergar_Sword_KingsKnife
    • (There's actually two of these; one apparently inheriting from the other? I'll focus on the one that seems the base.)
    • Inherits from weapon entry WPN_Shortsword_2
    • Root template is MAG_Duergar_Sword_KingsKnife (025e162a-45ec-4f4c-89da-04d8e8dfe606)
    • Adds the passives Organ Rearranger and Shadow Blade on equip
Item Templates:
  1. WPN_Duergar_Sword_KingsKnife (5908898d-5d9e-40de-ab07-3f8fb5f0174c)
  2. MAG_Duergar_Sword_KingsKnife (025e162a-45ec-4f4c-89da-04d8e8dfe606)
As we can see, it's a complete and utter mess. :D There's not even a clear hierarchy; the template of the King's Knife uses the stats of the Knife of the Undermountain King, even though the Knife of the Undermountain king's template uses the King's Knife template as its parent. Taylan (talk) 19:24, 30 October 2024 (CET)Reply[reply]