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Diseases of the Blood

Revision as of 22:33, 21 October 2024 by HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Added uid/uuid)
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Diseases of the Blood image

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This book is redolent with the enticing smell of paper and ink.


  • Books Books
  • Author: Amanita Szarr Amanita Szarr
  • Rarity: Common
  •  Weight: 0.5 kg / 1 lb
  • Price: 14 gp
  • UID BOOK_LOW_Cazador'sPalace_DiseasesOfTheBlood
    UUID 95f87642-9e54-4048-ba13-19a2a1672fb0

Where to find

Looted from a pile of books in the Archive of the House of Hope. X: -6534 Y: 2905


[This is a journal handwritten by a vampire known only as Lady Incognita in which she describes two different blood diseases that, if contracted by ingestion of infected blood, might inconvenience a vampire with a brief illness. The bulk of the text is descriptions of symptoms and diagnoses of Red Thrombosis and Thandal's Paroxysm. Lady Incognita notes that, with a vampire's superior senses, it's possible to train oneself to recognise infected prey by scent before biting them, 'Red Thrombosis by a piquant, gingery odour, and the Paroxysm by a sharp astringency.']