bg3wiki talk:Ads Announcement 1

Revision as of 01:42, 21 July 2024 by (talk) (Oppose)
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No thanks

We can't trust your word if you do this, so promises to keep it from becoming "an annoyance" are moot. You've here sworn that any promises you make may be freely broken "if the promise was made under ignorance" of the financial windfall.

I'd urge extreme caution before going through with this plan. A probing of altering Creative Commons licenses to prevent other sites from "ripping off" is at odds. The point of the license is to allow other people to "rip off" the site. The Creative Commons license means this site's contributions can be entirely replicated on a different site, e.g., without needing to consult anyone.

This site's utility is within its content, and that content is easily, and legally, replicated.

Ultimately, I do not want money for my contributions, and I will not relicense them to allow the site owner to make money from the same.

Kelpto (talk) 16:20, 20 July 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Hi Kelpto,
Your opinion is valuable to me, but the vast majority of people seem to see it differently. In most people's eyes, I seem to have demonstrated my commitment to making and keeping a great resource, and I hope you'll eventually be convinced too. As a logged in user, you won't even see ads, so this change will basically not affect you at all. (I suppose it might if you view the wiki from other devices on which you're not logged in, and if you don't have an ad blocker on those devices.)
I think you misunderstood what I was trying to explain regarding preventing other sites from "ripping off" the wiki. Let me explain:
1. The CC BY-NC-SA license, being irrevocable, grants everyone the right to create a separate wiki and host the content there, but only under the NC condition, meaning that this secondary wiki could not serve ads.
2. Past contributors, who made their content available under the CC BY-NC-SA, have a choice regarding what additional license to grant to allow monetizing the content.
3. The main offer I will make to past contributors is that they agree to re-license their content under CC BY-SA, meaning that not only but also everyone else will be allowed to monetize the content.
4. As a secondary option, if someone says "I want only to be allowed to monetize my content," then they could decide to only grant a license (not a CC one) to monetize their past content. In this situation, their content would still be available to everyone else under the NC license. However, exclusively to, it would also be available under an additional license that permits commercial use.
So, there's no desire from my end to prevent other websites from copying content from (which, as you've correctly pointed out, they can do under the irrevocable NC license). I don't even intend trying to prevent others from making money with content taken from; that choice will belong to the past contributors who so far haven't granted anyone a license to monetize their content. To be honest, I doubt anyone will actually use the secondary option I've described above; I'm pretty sure everyone will simply agree to re-license their content to CC BY-SA, so that not only but also everyone else will be allowed to monetize it. I just want to make sure people know that they have options.
By the way, note that starting from July 20 (today), new content on is released under CC BY-SA. So, I've already chosen a license for new content that explicitly allows other websites to make money with new content that appears on (Even though I don't do it myself yet! Will probably start soon though.) Just to further prove that I have no intention of claiming ownership over the content or trying to keep it just for myself in any way.
If you're absolutely sure that you don't want to accept payment in exchange for re-licensing your content to CC BY-SA, then I will sadly have to go through your contributions and delete any that are still live. From a quick look, it doesn't look like it's all that much, so overall it shouldn't hurt the wiki. I'll only start doing it once we start serving ads though (probably start of August) and I would greatly appreciate it if you change your mind.
Sorry about the long response, but I wanted to be as detailed as I could. Taylan (talk) 21:46, 20 July 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]

== "I can make a lot of money off of ads" == is a terrible premise to break a promise

The costs of hosting this wiki have already been covered for 2024. Hosting this wiki does not need to be your job, and I am extremely skeptical that you could make enough money from ad revenue to make it so. Who have you been talking to about putting ads on the wiki? What level of compensation have they suggested to you? Who would be serving the ads? What would the ads consist of?

How do you plan on obtaining the consent of anonymous contributors? Or will you actually undertake the effort of systematically deleting and replacing all of their contributions? (Keeping in mind that whatever contributions replace those of the non-consenting contributors, will have to actually be unique and differentiated contributions under copyright. I am also extremely skeptical it will even be possible to replace those contributions with sufficiently differentiated works, as to make those contributors' claims of copyright null and void on the resulting work, and the resulting work not just a derivative of their earlier contributions.)

There is not nearly enough actionable, concrete information provided by you for anyone to make a serious decision or give serious consent to this proposal. As it stands this is legally, ethically, and morally a bad idea. I strongly oppose it.

Furthermore, please consider the fact that this wiki's utility and service to the game's community has been intrinsically linked to the wiki being provided for free and without advertisement. If this wiki, its maintenance, or its administration are becoming an undue burden on you financially, emotionally, or otherwise, then please seek out a replacement administrator and host to take over that burden. In that case, I would specifically recommend you reach out to Larian themselves to see if they would prefer to host and administrate this wiki.

Otherwise, no, "I never knew just how much money ads can apparently make" is a terrible reason to break your promise and compromise your morals and ethics.