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Despair: Madness (Condition)

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Stack ID Stack ID: DESPAIR

Stack priority Stack priority: 2

Condition: Despair: Dread


Applies Despair: Dread as long as the affected entity is still in Black Puddle

Sources of Despair: Madness

Conditions with the same stack ID

Conditions with the stack ID DESPAIR, only one of these can be applied at the same time:

Condition Effects

Despair (Condition) Despair

  • Despondency from deep within the Shadowfell has perforated your very being.

Despair: Apathy (Condition) Despair: Apathy

Despair: Dread (Condition) Despair: Dread

Despair: Madness (Condition) Despair: Madness