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Sleet Storm

Revision as of 07:43, 4 May 2024 by HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Updated area parameters)
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Sleet Storm.webp

Sleet Storm is a level 3 conjuration spell. This spell allows spellcasters to call forth a storm that douses fire, creates an Ice Surface, and disrupts the Concentration of spellcasters.


Call forth a storm that douses fire, creates an Ice Surface, and forces spellcasters to succeed at a Concentration Concentration Saving throw in order to maintain Concentration.

Ice is a surface that is considered Difficult Terrain. Creatures moving through it have their Movement Speed halved, and will fall Prone Prone on a failed Dexterity Saving throw.


Action +  Level 3 Spell Slot
CON Save
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft
Creates Area: Sleet Storm (area)
Concentration Concentration

At higher levels

Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.

Area: Sleet Storm (area)

[[ Sleet Storm (area) | Sleet Storm (area) ]]

How to learn



  • Any Damage TypesFire damage will burn away the surface for the turn. If the caster continues to concentrate, the ice surface will form again the following turn.
  • The incantation for Sleet Storm is Impero Tibi, Latin for "I command you".


External links