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Gargantuan Cleave

Revision as of 16:06, 25 February 2024 by T-Furan (talk | contribs)
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Gargantuan Cleave is a weapon action granted by Very Heavy Greataxe.


Swing your weapon with all your might. You can attack multiple targets, dealing bonus 1d6Damage TypesSlashingDRS damage, but become Off Balanced for Duration: 1 turn.


1/2 Normal weapon damage
D6 Slashing.png 1d6 (1~6) Damage TypesSlashing
Attack roll
AoE: 1.5 m / 5 ft (Cone)
Recharge: Short rest

Condition: Off Balance - Gargantuan Cleave

[[ Off Balance - Gargantuan Cleave

(Condition)| Off Balance - Gargantuan Cleave


How to learn

Granted by the weapons:


  • As with the regular cleave, the maximum number of targets hit by this action is 3, targeting the closest ones first.
  • The Off Balance condition applied by this weapon is different from the regular Off Balance Off Balance with the same name.
    • The condition is applied to oneself, and lasts until it's the individual's turn to attack again, not just until the end of the current turn.
  • The bonus damage applied by this weapon action will apply whether or not the weapon attack hits.
  • As of Patch #6, the tooltip shows this action applying full weapon damage when in fact it deals half the weapon damage.