Talk:D&D 5e spell changes

Revision as of 19:12, 5 February 2024 by (talk) (Create scrolls?)
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Compelled Duel Changes[edit source]

TLDR: I believe the paladin spell "Compelled Duel" does not have 30 ft distance requirement and other riders attached to it as it does in 5e. In BG3, I believe it is only the disadvantage on attacks against everyone but you.

Also, the duration is shorter in BG3

Fear[edit source]

It says on Fear under Other Changes that enemies drop their enemies. Not sure that's correct. I suppose they drop their weapons but that wouldn't be a change so idk. Maybe it is correct.

- Dropping enemies was a mistake. And you are right that dropping their weapons is as per 5e so I removed that comment. /s/ Phantomsplit

Scrolls[edit source]

In DnD wizards can create scrolls. I don't think that's possible in BG3 but I'm unsure. Would be useful if this could be confirmed or the contrary somewhere, maybe both here and on pages for Spells/Scrolls?