User rights log
- 14:18, 28 February 2024 Taylan talk contribs changed group membership for Nixie from bureaucrat, candelete, canpatrol, canprotect, interface administrator, moduleeditor, projecteditor, suppressor, administrator, templateeditor and widget editor to administrator
- 18:07, 4 October 2023 Taylan talk contribs changed group membership for Nixie from autopatrolled, bureaucrat, candelete, canpatrol, canprotect, interface administrator, moduleeditor, projecteditor, suppressor, templateeditor and widget editor to autopatrolled, bureaucrat, candelete, canpatrol, canprotect, interface administrator, moduleeditor, projecteditor, suppressor, templateeditor, widget editor and administrator
- 20:28, 25 September 2023 Taylan talk contribs changed group membership for Nixie from autopatrolled, bureaucrat, moduleeditor, projecteditor, suppressor, administrator and templateeditor to autopatrolled, bureaucrat, moduleeditor, projecteditor, suppressor, templateeditor, interface administrator, candelete, canpatrol, canprotect and widget editor
- 03:41, 30 July 2023 Taylan talk contribs changed group membership for Nixie from autopatrolled, moduleeditor and templateeditor to autopatrolled, moduleeditor, templateeditor, administrator, bureaucrat, suppressor and projecteditor
- 18:55, 21 July 2023 Taylan talk contribs changed group membership for Nixie from trusted to autopatrolled, templateeditor and moduleeditor
- 06:23, 18 January 2022 Taylan talk contribs changed group membership for Nixie from (none) to trusted