“Sez here that 'goblinoids are obstreperous and malodorous'. What's that mean?„
Involvement[edit | edit source]
Act One[edit | edit source]
When approached, Piddle questions about Volo's meaning behind his complicated choice of words. He explains further on how the famed chronicler was captured as he arrived and asked questions, being quickly accused as a spy before being used as entertainment. He also shares how since the tribe converted to the Absolute the power of their leaders such as Priestess Gut and Dror Ragzlin has increased.
If asked about getting Volo's manuscript, he refuses since he has not finished reading it. He can be convinced to hand it over through differing methods:
- [ILLITHID] [WISDOM] You will give me the book. (DC 2)
- [HALF-ORC] [INTIMIDATION] Your lifetime gets shorter every second you keep that book. (DC 15
- [BARBARIAN] [INTIMIDATION] A lifetime can be very short. Hand over the manuscript. (DC 15
- [INTIMIDATION] It'll be a very short lifetime if you don't hand me that manuscript. (DC 15)
- [PALADIN] [CLERIC] [DRUID] [PERSUASION] You should spend your time in prayer - not reading this nonsense. (DC 5)
- [PERSUASION] You should spend your time in prayer - not reading this nonsense. (DC 10)
- [BARD] [DECEPTION] We both know this book's rubbish, Piddle. Write your own, and I'll edit it for you. (DC 10)
- [DETECT THOUGHTS] [WISDOM] Scan his mind.
- You're an authority on the Absolute - you should be the one writing about it.
Whatever method used, he hands over On Goblins: My Life Among the Conquering Host and then depart.
If he is still alive while the party is fighting the whole goblin camp, he can make his escape, running away to disappear permanently.
Combat[edit | edit source]
Attacks and abilities[edit | edit source]
Loot[edit | edit source]
External links[edit | edit source]
Piddle on the Forgotten Realms Wiki