Opportunity to work with a master artisan is a letter written from Ellswin Glimrock to Omotola, the owner of The Glitter Gala.
A plain, unadorned note.
- Notes
- Author: Ellswin Glimrock
- Rarity: Common
- Weight: .05 kg / 0.1 lb
- Price: 14 gp
Where to find
- In the shared mailbox of The Glitter Gala and Chromatic Scale in Lower City X: -181 Y: -62
Dear Mme Omotola,
I am a master artisan from Elturel, recently uprooted from my home due to circumstances beyond my control. Perhaps you've heard of me? I have certainly heard of you - I have wanted to visit your fine establishment for years now, and am delighted to finally have the opportunity. You see, I believe this unfortunate turn of events in my life could prove richly fortuitous for yours. I believe there is a gap in the market here for work such as my own. Permit me to descend upon you with a small sample and perhaps entice you with the possibility of establishing myself as a resident-jeweller? I look forward to meeting you in person.
Ellswin Glimrock.