Kill Kagha is a sub-quest of the Druid Grove's main quest . It can be initiated by talking to Zevlor after Kagha sends the party to assist him in getting the tieflings to safety.
Objectives[edit | edit source]
Objectives and journal entries may vary pending story decisions and outcomes.
Walkthrough[edit | edit source]
The quest to kill Kagha can be received after speaking with Zevlor once Kagha requests the party assist the tieflings in moving on. The party can ask Zevlor "Can you delay the ritual?" and he explains that it is Kagha's influence that is causing the intolerance to outsiders. Selecting "Then why don't you get rid of her?" has Zevlor agreeing, but stating that the tieflings cannot enter the Inner Sanctum, while the party can. The party can either take him up on the offer or decline.
After this conversation, Kagha can be killed at any time. However, if Kagha is attacked unprovoked, the other druids come to her aid and a fight is started between the tieflings and the druids. The fight happens in real time so the party members need to move quickly after killing Kagha at the Inner Sanctum if they want to save as many tieflings as possible. In all cases Rath sides with the tieflings during the confrontation, as well as Findal if he is found and healed in the Underground Passage.
If the party complete Shadow Druids, then Kagha can be confronted without the druids becoming hostile. The party has a chance to sway Kagha to their side, otherwise the party can simply state that she is too far gone and fight her to the death with the other Shadow Druids. If she is slain, Loic and Marcoryl join her. Either choice results in the Rite of Thorns being stopped, and the tieflings are allowed to safely leave the Grove when they are ready.
and find evidence of her collaborating with theRewards[edit | edit source]
Broodmother's Revenge (Looted from Kagha's body)