Flashblinder is a Consumable(Grenade) item that can be thrown using the action to disable Steel Watchers.
Gyroscopic whispers emanate from the device - gnomish machinery speaks with a metal tongue.
- Single Use
- Rarity: Very rare
- Weight: 0.3 kg / 0.6 lb
- Price: 160 gp
- Hurl a bomb that explodes on impact.
- Range: 18 m / 60 ft
- AoE: 6 m / 20 ft (Radius)
- Inflicts
- If a Steel Watcher or Scrying Eye is hit:
- 1d6 penalty to Attack Rolls
- Inflicts
Condition: Blinded
Duration: 10 turns
DC 16 Constitution saving throw
- Ranged attacks and spells have a range of 3 m / 10 ft and Attack Rolls suffer Disadvantage.
- Attack Rolls against Blinded creatures have Advantage.
Condition: Malfunctioning
Duration: 2 turns
- The Steel Watcher is
Where to find
- Sold by:
- Can be crafted via Alchemy by combining Sublimate of Behir Scales (procured from Behir Scales) and any Ashes.
- Looted from Death's Head of Bhaal at the top of Wyrm's Rock Fortress.
- This grenade is exceedingly effective against all Steel Watchers, but particularly the Steel Watcher Titan. Any type of Steel Watcher is guaranteed to be stunned for 2 turns (1 turn in Honour mode) when hit by this grenade. Furthermore, it will instantly deactivate the Steel Watcher Titan's .