Flaming Sphere is a level 2 conjuration spell. This spell allows spellcasters to conjure a Flaming Sphere that can attack and burn enemies.
Fire damage to nearby enemies and objects. It also sheds bright light in a
6 m / 20 ft radius, and dim light for an additional
6 m / 20 ft.
Duration: 10 turns. You can move the sphere.
Fire damage for each spell slot level above 2nd.
Summon a Flaming Sphere that deals 2d6

You can remain hidden while casting this spell.
At higher levels
Upcasting: Casting this spell at a higher level deals an extra 1d6
Technical details

Creature: Flaming Sphere (creature)
How to learn
- Class level 3: Druid, Wizard, and Light Domain (Domain Spell)
- Class level 8: Arcane Trickster, and Eldritch Knight
- The DC for the Flaming Sphere's attack is always calculated using the caster's Wisdom modifier, even for wizards.