Where to find
- Found in Balthazar's chambers
Goblin troops, though crude and a bit dim, are valuable because they are adaptable and can be fitted into a number of different military roles, excelling as archery skirmishers and worg cavalry scouts.
If rigorously drilled, some can function as disciplined phalanxes armed with half-pikes, and even the ones who can't be trained to march in step can serve as prime catapult fodder.
The key to recruiting a tribe of goblins is their profound respect for their priests, who lead the tribe members in the worship of the All-Conquering Maglubiyet. Therefore, let the high priests of the Seven Tribes of the southwest Sword Coast be invited to a Grand Council, a feast where they will be well-fed, well-flattered, and well-lubricated with jugs of plonk laced with a mild paralytic.
The priests will awaken with new guests in their crania and be led into docile devotion to a new and greater god than Maglubiyet: the Absolute. And trust me, where the priests go, their warriors will follow.
- Advisor Balthazar