Whether crackling with the energy of ancient deluges or pierced by gales and hurricanes, your lineage is a strange tapestry scrawled by a tempest.Storm Sorcery is one of the Subclasses of Sorcerer. They are extremely mobile, being able to fly after each Lightning or Thunder spell they cast, making it safer for them to wade into melee. As they grow in power they can make their spells generate small damaging storms, become resistant to Lightning or Thunder damage and even punish enemies brave enough to attack them by shocking and pushing them far away.
Subclass Features
Level 1
Tempestuous Magic: After you cast a Spell of level 1 or higher you can Fly as a Bonus Action until the end of your turn without receiving Opportunity Attacks. The distance you fly is up to
9m / 30ft
Level 6
Heart of the Storm: A combination of two free reactions that create a storm that deals half you Sorcerer level, rounded down, when you cast a lightning or thunder spell.
Heart of the Storm: Lightning: When you cast a Spell of Level 1 or higher that deals Lightning damage, you cause a small, local storm. All enemies within 6 m / 20 ft take {half your Sorcerer level} Lightning damage.
Heart of the Storm: Thunder: When you cast a Spell of Level 1 or higher that deals Thunder damage, you cause a small, local storm. All enemies within 6 m / 20 ft take {half your Sorcerer level} Thunder damage.
- Storm Spells: You gain additional spells from your subclass.
Level 11
Storm's Fury: When you are hit by a melee attack, you deal {Sorcerer Level} Lightning damage to the attacker and potentially push them away.