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The Undead Bane

Revision as of 14:00, 19 August 2023 by ShadowOake (talk | contribs) (In game picture)

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The Undead Bane image

The Undead Bane is an uncommon, enchanted (+1) special variant of the Greataxes family of weapons. It is wielded by Ulma of the Gur tribe and grants the Profane Scourge weapon action for additional damage against fiends and undead.

Description Icon.png

Wielded by the indomitable Ser Lexia. Although her eagerness to destroy evil in all its forms was constant, she often took time to make little gifts for her friends.


D12 Slashing.png 1d12 + 1 (2~13) + Strength modifier Damage TypesSlashing
Greataxes Greataxes
Rarity: Uncommon
Enchantment: + 1
Dippable Dippable
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
 Weight: 3.15 kg / 6.3 lb
Price: 130 gp

Weapon actions

Proficiency Icon.png If you have proficiency, equip in main hand to gain:

Cleave Cleave ()

Swing your weapon in a large arc to attack up to 3 enemies at once. They each take half the damage your weapon usually deals.

Lacerate Lacerate ()

Slash at your target's vital points to make it Bleed Bleed.

Prepare Prepare ()

Spend 6 m / 20 ft of your movement to deal an additional [Strength modifier]Damage TypesPhysicalDRS damage (minimum 1) on each successful weapon attack for the rest of the turn.

Profane Scourge Profane Scourge ()

Strike with subjugating fury, adding your proficiency bonus to the damage roll. If you hit a Fiend or Undead creature, deal an additional 2d6Damage TypesSlashingDRS damage and possibly Bane Bane it.

Where to find
