Velicia will be with a group from the Guild, arguing with the Stone Lords thugs on a beach in Rivington. This beach is accessed by following the path west of South Span Checkpoint to a area with a ship that sailed from Moonrise Towers X: -212 Y: 87.
If the Guild is assisted, Velicia will help them unload goods from the ship.
Speak with Dead
If Velicia is killed, she can be spoken to with . Velicia will explain that the Stone Lord and the Guild were fighting over territory, control and smuggling valuables. She will further reveal that she was a Harper who infiltrated the Guild to observe their movements.
Party member: Who are you?
- Archer Velicia: Harper... Infiltrated the Guild...
Party member: Who were you fighting?
- Archer Velicia: Stone Lord's thugs... threat to us all...
Party member: What was the fighting about?
- Archer Velicia: Territory... control... smuggling valuables...
Party member: What were you doing here?
- Archer Velicia: Observing... spying... disguised...
Attacks and Abilities
External links
Velicia on the Forgotten Realms Wiki