Sharran's Journal is a book detailing a sharran's encounter with Yurgir.

A dusty old prayer-book, scripture hastily overwritten by scrawled diary entries.
Author: Church of Shar
Rarity: Common
Weight: 0.5 kg / 1 lb
Price: 14 gp
Day 1:
Never saw a beast like it. Bloated with muscle, tusks as long as my arms. Scent of charred flesh, but I saw no flames. The stone might have been parchment, so quick did the creature charge through it. The other Justiciars are dead - or close to it.
It wasn't alone. Hellknights, too. Masks bolted to their faces, like plaques to a keep wall.
Day 3:
Trapped. Another rampage, and down the walls came. Started to dig. Not sure...
Day 7:
It's done. May Shar's shadows keep me.