More actions
Attempting to pass Nickelow will result in the party being asked for their vault pass. The party can either show theres if they have one, or attempt to talk/bribe their way through:
- [ROGUE] [DECEPTION] I just showed it to you, don't you remember? Are you feeling all right? (DC 15)
- [DECEPTION] I'm with the group that came down just before me. (DC 18) (if the party knows about the cultists)
- [INTIMIDATION] It's just us down here. No one to judge you for choosing life over 'duty'. (DC 30)
- [PERSUASION] The city depends on me getting down there. I really don't have time to explain. (DC 25)
- [PERSUASION] Do you accept cash instead? (5000) (DC 15)