< Enlarge
Enlarge/Reduce is a level 2 transmutation spell. This spell allows spellcasters to alter a creature's body size. The caster can choose to double or halve the size of the affected creature.
Make a creature larger or smaller. Either option has a duration of 10 turns.
This affects their weapon damage and Strength Checks and Saving throws.
- Cost
Action +
Level 2 Spell Slot
- Details
Range: 9 m / 30 ft
At higher levels
Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.
How to learn
- Class Level 8: Arcane Trickster, and Eldritch Knight
- Character level 3: Duergar
(Character level is the sum of all class levels for a multi-classed character.)
Granted by the following items:
- Reduce changes the Size category of the target creature, which affects whether other creatures can the target creature or use the target creature as an . The opposite is not true for Enlarge, e.g., a medium creature with 18 Strength cannot throw a normal medium humanoid even when Enlarged.
- While not stated in the spell description, Enlarge/Reduce also increases or decreases the weight of the target creature (depending on the selected variant).
- The change in size from the spell stacks with the change in size from Disguise Self, making it possible to become a tiny creature (small race + Reduce). As a tiny creature it is possible to go through even the smallest of passageways such as pipes or jumping through the bars of a fence, something even the small races can't do.
- Sethan only grants the Reduce variant of the spell. Duergar only receive the Enlarge variant of the spell.
- The incantations for Enlarge are Gigans ("Giant") and Extende ("Extend"). The incantations for Reduce are Minimus ("Smaller") and Diminue ("Diminish").