Shove is a common Bonus Action that allows the user to shove an enemy, pushing them away (and possibly off ledges or into harmful effects).
Try to push your target away.
Your success depends on your Athletics, and the target's Athletics or Acrobatics. You have Advantage if you're or .
The shove distance depends on your Strength and the target's weight.
- Cost:
Bonus action
- Details:
Range: 1.5 m / 5 ft
- The target rolls either an Athletics or Acrobatics Skill Check, whichever is higher, to contest the attempt. The shoving creature, however, always rolls Athletics.
- The weight of a target object and a creature's Strength score determine whether a shove attempt can be made in the first place. The condition is . The multiplier is 12 normally, 28.2 for creatures, and 5.1 for creatures. [1]
- Smaller characters like gnomes do not receive penalties to max shove weights. The only modifier comes specifically from the Enlarge/Reduce effects. Even similar effects like do not affect the maximum shove weight.
- If the condition is not met, attempting to shove an object or creature will display a message "Too heavy to Shove."
- As of Patch 6, shoving an allied creature always succeeds, though the weight conditions described above must still be met.
- The distance an object or creature can be shoved is restricted to a minimum of 1 m / 3 ft and a maximum of 6 m / 20 ft.[2]
- The maximum shove distance is for level terrain. When shoving an object off a ledge, it can go further than 6 m / 20 ft since it will continue its parabolic trajectory as it falls.
- Shove can also be used to rouse a creature from or help them shake off the effects of certain spells like .
Shove mechanics
When attempting to shove a non-allied creature, both the target and the shover make skill checks in a contested roll.
The shover makes a normal Athletics check against a DC determined by the target's passive skill using either Athletics or Acrobatics, whichever is higher.
This passive skill is equal to 10 + skill bonus with Advantage adding 5 and
Disadvantage subtracting 5.
For example, a barbarian at level 1, with 17 Strength, proficiency in Athletics, and currently will have a passive Athletics skill of:
10 + 3 (Strength modifier) + 2 (Proficiency bonus) + 5 (Advantage on Strength checks) = 20
If the shover's roll meets or exceeds the target's passive skill, the shove will be successful. Shove attempts cannot critically fail, provided rolling a natural 1 would still beat the target's passive Acrobatics or Athletics skill.
This is one of the few cases where skill checks are made in combat. As a result, this is one of the few uses for the component of that imposes Disadvantage on skill checks of a specified ability. Hexing Strength will greatly reduce the chance of an enemy successfully shoving you and make it easier to shove high Strength enemies. Hexing Dexterity will make it significantly easier to shove high Dexterity enemies. Note that it is not possible to see an enemy's skill bonuses in the inspect window, so it is not always easy to determine whether hexing Strength or Dexterity would be more impactful.