Latest comment: 3 April 2024 by in topic Loose Tile
Loose Tile
There is another loose tile (Perception Check 20) at -649 -711 (in the room with the Mirror of Loss), but it's random contents are just as abysmal as Lyrthindor's nearby "treasure". 06:06, 3 April 2024 (CEST)
- Besides the one above (on the floor to the left of the entrance), there is a SECOND loose tile in that room on the wall under one of the missing murals at -635 -715 (also a 20 PER check, also crappy loot). 06:39, 3 April 2024 (CEST)
- There is a THIRD loose tile in the same room (-638 -733) directly under the Shar Mural (you have to get VERY close to these to trigger the 20 PER checks; equally bad loot). Someone was having fun designing this room. 06:44, 3 April 2024 (CEST)