Tavern Brawler is a passive feature obtainable by the Feat of the same name. Users of this feature excel at improvised and unarmed fighting and deal more damage more often.
Increase your or by 1, to a maximum of 20.
When you make an unarmed attack, use an improvised weapon, or throw something, your Strength Modifier is added twice to the damage and Attack rolls.[See: Bugs]
How to learn
Granted by the feats: Tavern Brawler (Feat)
When Tavern Brawler is applied to the damage roll from a thrown weapon, the additional damage this feat grants is treated as a "DRS."
Unarmed attacks that use Dexterity as a modifier still gain the strength modifier as a bonus with this feat and thus don't get the Dexterity modifier applied twice to the attack.
- As of Hotfix 6, the bonus Strength modifier damage from throws with Tavern Brawler seems to be directly applied to objects, bypassing any Toughness condition they may have. Thus, even if a character cannot deal enough normal damage in a single attack, they can still slowly but surely chip down the health of any locked door or chest by repeatedly throwing an item.