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Simple Toxin

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Simple Toxin image

Simple Toxin is a Consumable(Coating). It can be applied to a weapon to give it special properties for ten turns or thrown as a Grenade to inflict its effects in an area.

Description Icon.png

The emerald hue of this toxin is vivid and baleful as a sunrise over a swamp.


  • Coatings Coatings
  • Single Use
  • Rarity: Common
  •  Weight: 0.2 kg / 0.4 lb
  • Price: 25 gp
  • UID Solution_Toxin_Basic
    UUID 8b5f7965-6cd1-42c1-8449-c6562a270ad9


Bonus action

  • Coat your active weapon with a simple toxin.


  • Throw Throw the poison.
    •  Range: 18 m / 60 ft
    • Aoe Icon.pngCreates area: Simple Toxin

Condition: Coated in Toxin

Coated in Toxin Coated in Toxin

Duration: 10 turns

Area: Simple Toxin

Simple Toxin Simple Toxin

Duration: 1 turn

AoE: 1 m / 3 ft (Radius)

Applies Poisoned.

Type: Surface

Condition: Simple Toxin

Simple Toxin Simple Toxin

DC 11  Constitution saving throw

  • Affected entity takes 1d4Damage TypesPoison damage at the end of its next turn.

Where to find


  • Under most circumstances, purchasing the ingredients will be substantially more expensive than purchasing the toxin directly from a merchant.
  • The damage only applies at the end of the target's next turn. The in-game tooltip states that "On a successful Constitution saving throw, target still takes half damage", but this doesn't seem to be true. On a successful saving throw, they do not receive the damage-applying condition at all.

Passive features[edit | edit source]

Simple Toxin has 1 hit point.

Damage TypesPiercingResistant
Damage TypesNecroticResistant
Damage TypesPoisonImmune
Damage TypesPsychicImmune
Damage TypesRadiantResistant

Gallery[edit | edit source]