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Circle of the Moon

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Circle of the Moon is one of the Subclasses of Druid. These Druids are more specialized in Wild Shaping into various creatures to attack enemies or support allies in combat. They also have the ability to regain Hit Points while Wild Shaped.

Subclass features[edit | edit source]

This subclass obtains all the features from its base class, Druid, in addition to its unique features outlined below.

Level 2

Lunar Mend Lunar Mend ( + )
Expend Spell Slots to regain Hit Points while wild shaped. You regain 1d8hit points per Spell Slot level.
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Combat Wild Shape Combat Wild Shape ( + )
As a Bonus Action, you can assume the form of a beast. You can transform twice per Short Rest. This ability otherwise acts as Wild Shape Wild Shape.
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Wild Shape: Bear Wild Shape: Bear ( + )
Assume shape of a polar bear that can Goad Goad enemies into attacking it. The polar bear has a starting health of HP Icon.png 30 hit points that increases every two druid levels.

Level 4

Wild Shape: Dire Raven Wild Shape: Dire Raven ( + )
Take the shape of a Dire Raven Dire Raven that can avoid attention and Blind Blind enemies. It has HP Icon.png 13 hit points.

Level 6

Primal Strike Primal Strike
While in beast form, your attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming Resistance and Immunity to non-magical damage.

Level 8

Wild Shape: Sabre-Toothed Tiger Wild Shape: Sabre-Toothed Tiger ( + )
Take the shape of a Sabre-Toothed Tiger that can Shred Armour Shred Armour and regenerate regenerate hit points.

Level 10

Wild Shape: Air Myrmidon Wild Shape: Air Myrmidon ( + 2)
Take the shape of an Air Myrmidon.
Your air myrmidon shape has a starting health of HP Icon.png 90 hit points that increases every two druid levels. It can cast Invisibility Invisibility, Electrified Flail Electrified Flail, and Raging Vortex Raging Vortex.
Wild Shape: Earth Myrmidon Wild Shape: Earth Myrmidon ( + 2)
Take the shape of an Earth Myrmidon.
Your earth myrmidon shape has a starting health of HP Icon.png 103 hit points that increases every two druid levels. It can cast Muck to Metal Muck to Metal, Sludgy Sling Sludgy Sling, and Burrow Burrow.
Wild Shape: Fire Myrmidon Wild Shape: Fire Myrmidon ( + 2)
Take the shape of a Fire Myrmidon.
Your fire myrmidon shape has a starting health of HP Icon.png 90 hit points that increases every two druid levels. It can cast Scorching Strike Scorching Strike, Myrmidon's Immolation Myrmidon's Immolation, and Cinderous Swipe Cinderous Swipe.
Wild Shape: Water Myrmidon Wild Shape: Water Myrmidon ( + 2)
Take the shape of a Water Myrmidon.
Your water myrmidon shape has a starting health of HP Icon.png 90 hit points that increases every two druid levels. It can cast Hiemal Strike Hiemal Strike, Healing Vapours Healing Vapours, and Explosive Icicle Explosive Icicle.

External links[edit | edit source]