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Letter from the Gur

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Letter from the Gur image

Letter from the Gur is a miscellaneous note found in the Epilogue.

Description Icon.png

A plain, unadorned note.


  • Books Books
  • Rarity: Common
  •  Weight: 0.05 kg / 0.1 lb
  • Price: 14 gp

Where to find

Within the Chest of Grateful Words in the Epilogue. Contingent on the Gur surviving through the end of The Pale Elf, and choosing to let the imprisoned vampire spawn live.


To the spawn Astarion,

Greetings from the family of Ulma, hunters of monsters and keepers of peace across Faerun.

We know this letter finds you well, for although we hunt you no longer, we do sometimes keep a watch. Your restraint and control over your bloodlust has been admirable. Indeed, it has been an inspiration for our children, who have struggled with their own hunger.

These last months have been a difficult time for our people. We have protected and nurtured our children as best we can, and we have learned much. Herbs we once used to dull our foes' minds are now sedatives to ease hunger and pain, restraints built to hold the undead now protect them from themselves. There has been a lot of pain, but a lot of progress too. Our children learned discipline and control, while we learned compassion and patience.

There was a time when we would have destroyed any undead creature, our own blood or not, and called it a mercy. But then we met you. Wer saw that redemption was possible. Difficult, yes. Painful. But possible.

You saved our children first from Cazador, and then from us. For that, we thank you.

We will watch you still, but with more admiration than fear.

Walk in peace, Astarion.