Party Composition:
A party is made of 2 or more characters. In order to begin discussing Party Composition, we need to discuss generally what a characters "role" is within a given party. Characters can fill specific roles within said party based on a variety of factors such as class, items, playstyle, and role play potential. Roles are just one way of viewing how a party is comprised and built. Many classes and characters will often fulfill multiple roles within their party. Overlap can and will occur depending on how the character or player chooses to play, levels up their character, class, race and other factors that contribute to overall character diversity.
Striker/Blaster - DPS (Damage Per Second) or in the case of turn based combat, Damage Per Turn. A class or character who's main focus is dishing out damage and doing so consistently.
Tank - A tank draws aggro (enemy aggression). A character who can take a few hits, while drawing enemy attention away from their allies whether through certain abilities (Goad) or by simply playing right in the enemies face.
Support - A support focuses on buffing allies and debuffing enemies, typically through abilities or spells.
Controller - A character who through their spells/abilities/playstyle focus on CC (Crowd Control) and/or controlling the pace of the fight itself.
Generally speaking, certain classes will be "better" at fulfilling certain roles within a party, just because of how their class is built, what attributes work well with a given class, and what abilities or spells they have access to. Any character, with enough thought put in can fulfill almost any role! Some classes may just be "better" at it than others. But again, what's "better" is subjective.