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Mapping of the Heart

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A character undergoing the Mapping of the Heart.

The Mapping of the Heart is a ritual carried out by the Inquisitor of Shar at the House of Grief. The mapping is performed on whoever sits on the stone bench at X: -272 Y: 9. Only one player per run can undergo the Mapping of the Heart.

The answers to the mapping affect the battle with the Viconia DeVir by giving her two specialized spells Castigate Heartform Castigate Heartform and Mapped Terror Mapped Terror. The Mapping can be skipped entirely by passing a DC Investigation 20 check to find a button on the wall that opens the hidden passage to the Cloister of Sombre Embrace.


The questions are always asked in the same order. The answers provided to each question award a hidden value towards generating your Heartform, similar to how dialogue choices can improve or reduce Approval with companions.

  • "What last caused you to shed a tear?"
    • Grief.
    • Loneliness.
    • A wound.
    • An onion.
    • A beautiful sunset.
    • Never happened.
  • A Perception check is made before the next question. If successful, the character has the opportunity to cut the mapping short at this point.

Background HauntedOne Icon.png Spoiler warning! This section reveals interactions with The Dark Urge.

If cut short at this point, a Dark Urge player will be told, by default, that they have a violent heart.
  • "What is your unspoken desire?"
    • To run away from it all.
    • To indulge every hunger, every lust.
    • To dominate.
    • To be dominated.
    • To be held.
    • To bathe in wealth and power.
  • "What is your greatest fear?"
    • Darkness
    • To be without power.
    • Betrayal
    • Disease.
    • Turning into a mind flayer.
    • Spiders.
  • "How would you spite one who wronged you?"
    • I would not. I would forgive them.
    • I would forgive them, but slowly poison them.
    • I would challenge them publicly, and humiliate them before all.
    • I would kill them.
    • I spare them - but hunt down their beloved.
    • I would fabricate a grave threat, and let them live in fear of it.
  • "How would you feel, if all your burdens were lifted?"
    • I would be happy.
    • I would be restless.
    • I would be suspicious.
    • I would manifest new burdens within a tenday.
    • I would be lesser - my burdens moulded me.
    • I would be grateful to the gods.


The outcomes of the mapping affect the Viconia DeVir battle in two ways. She applies a curse using Castigate Heartform Castigate Heartform, the effect of which is altered by the heartform she decides for you. Secondly, your answer to "your greatest fear" changes the effect of her Mapped Terror ability.