Talk:Lightning Jabber

Revision as of 23:02, 25 May 2024 by Rydiak (talk | contribs) (→‎Shocked vs Shocking Grasp: Reply)
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Latest comment: 25 May by Rydiak in topic Shocked vs Shocking Grasp
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Shocked vs Shocking Grasp

I can confirm that this weapon applies the Shocking Grasp condition rather than the Shocked condition. The confusion is because the tooltip says it applies the Shocked condition, but it actually applies Shocking Grasp. For reference, here is the definition of the effect in Public/GustavDev/Stats/Generated/Data/Passive.txt:

new entry "MAG_Kuotoa_Lightning_Spear_Passive"
type "PassiveData"
data "DisplayName" "h6dd70dd7g883ag4128g9e3bgdd75e70d60ca;3"
data "Description" "h6221105eg46dbg462eg8153gebb5bc8d0058;4"
data "StatsFunctorContext" "OnDamage"
data "Conditions" "AttackedWithPassiveSourceWeapon()"
data "StatsFunctors" "ApplyStatus(SHOCKING_GRASP, 100, 2,,,,not SavingThrow(Ability.Constitution,13))"

. NtCarlson (talk) 17:56, 25 May 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Great catch! I just submitted a bug report to Larian on this. Rydiak (talk) 23:02, 25 May 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]