
Revision as of 11:05, 15 February 2024 by Nattern (talk | contribs) (Answert to question)
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Latest comment: 15 February 2024 by Nattern in topic Arcane Hunger
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Does Gale heal in Camp after receiving damage through Warding Bond?

I have read that Gale heals himself when he takes damage in Camp. Does this apply to damage he receives through Warding Bond? If it does, it would make Gale the best character to cast Warding Bond from camp, since he can cast it on all party members without any risk of dying, outside of freak accidents with ridiculous damage numbers. He would not need to invest in any defensive Features either. - A

Yes he does (as of Patch 5, but may be changed/fixed in the future). I have managed to get Gale killed with this method, but it is mostly risk-free full damage resistance for your entire party. The Tough and Heavily Armoured Master feats will help. NtCarlson (talk) 16:49, 29 December 2023 (CET)Reply[reply]
Alright, thanks for checking! I wonder how they might fix this, without preventing buffing from camp in general, considering why Gale was given this feature to begin with. - A

Arcane Hunger

What are the artifacts that will curb Gale's Arcane Hunger? I've given him several and he still is not happy.

  • Gale requires 3 artifacts before he stops asking. Nattern (talk) 11:05, 15 February 2024 (CET)Reply[reply]