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The game options can be accessed anytime from the pause and main menus. They let the player customize different aspects of the game. The options are separated into 6 categories: Gameplay, Keybinds, Video, Audio, Interface and Accessibility.


Option Options Description Default
Show Tutorials Toggle When enabled, the game provides interactive tutorials to explain important concepts. On
Reset Tutorials Button The game remembers which tutorials you've already seen, so it will only show new tutorials, even if you start a new playthrough.
If you reset the tutorials, you will see all tutorials once more.
System of Measurement Metric Change the system of measurement displayed in tooltips.[note 1] This does not impact gameplay. Metric[Needs Verification]
Karmic Dice Toggle Karmic dice avoid failure streaks, while keeping the results mostly random. On
Autoselect character after combat Avatar Set which character will be selected when exiting turn-based combat.
Avatar: Select your original avatar.
Restore: Select the last character you had selected before combat started.
Off: Keep the character you had selected when combat ended.
Input Mode Automatic Let the game detect your controller automatically or choose to only use a specific input device. Automatic
Keyboard Only
Controller Only
  1. Selecting the Imperial system will multiply all in-game mass by 2.0, and all distance by 3.33 (repeating), though the real-world equivalents are ~2.2x and ~3.28x; probably changed to simplify the calculation results.

Save Options

Option Options Description Default
Autosave Toggle Enable automatic saves after every long rest and when reaching important points in the game. On
Maximum number of Autosaves Slider: 1 - 50 Adjust the amount of automatic saves per campaign. 25
Maximum number of Quicksaves Slider: 1 - 50 Adjust the amount of quicksaves stored per campaign. 25
CrossSave Toggle When enabled, your save files are uploaded to Larian's servers. This allows you to continue your adventure on a different platform.

You need a Larian Studios account for this function to work.

Camera Options

Option Options Description Default
Edge Panning Toggle When enabled, the camera moves when the mouse cursor touches the edge of the game window. Off
Panning Speed Slider: Slow/Medium/Fast Change the speed with which the edge panning camera moves. Medium
Dynamic Combat Camera Toggle When enabled, the camera follows the character whose turn it is during combat or turn-based mode. On
Follow Flying Creatures Toggle When enabled, the camera will follow creatures as they perform the Fly action. On

Default Online Settings

Option Options Description Default
Online Visibility Closed Who can see your game in the lobby and join. Friends only
Invitation only
Friends only
LAN Connexion Toggle Allow players on your local network to join your game. Off
Direct Connexion Toggle Allow players to join your game using a unique ID code. Off
Eavesdrop Toggle Allows you to automatically listen in on another player's dialogue scenes (when possible). Off

Twitch Integration

Option Options Description Default
Connect to Extension Button N/A
Enable Twitch Extension Toggle Enable Twitch integration, allowing viewers to see your party view, track your quests, and vote on dialogue options. Off


In the following tables, empty keyboard cells indicate no default keybind is set, and empty controller cells indicate there are no shorcuts for the action, which must be done through a menu.


Option Default primary
keyboard key
Default secondary
keyboard key
PlayStation 5 control Xbox Series X|S contol
Toggle Tactical Camera O Enter: Hold Down with right stick
Exit: Up with right stick
Enter: Hold Down with right stick
Exit: Up with right stick
Camera Backward S ↓ Down Down with left stick Down with left stick
Camera Forward W ↑ Up Up with left stick Up with left stick
Camera Left A ← Left Right with left stick Right with left stick
Camera Right D → Right Left with left stick Left with left stick
Camera Rotate Left Q Delete Left with right stick Left with right stick
Camera Rotate Right E End Right with right stick Right with right stick
Camera Zoom In ⇞ Page Up Mouse 3 Scroll.png Up with right stick Up with right stick
Camera Zoom Out ⇟ Page Down Mouse 3 Scroll.png Down with right stick Down with right stick
Center Camera On Character ↖ Home L2 LT
Camera Rotate Mouse 3.png Left/Right with right stick Left/Right with right stick


Option Default primary
keyboard key
Default secondary
keyboard key
PlayStation 5 control Xbox Series X|S contol
Interact Mouse 1.png Cross A
Highlight Characters ` Right stick press Right stick press
Show Item Labels


Right stick press Right stick press
Show Sneak Cones

Left⇧ Shift

Right stick press Right stick press
Rotate Item Left Mouse 3 Scroll.png ? ?
Rotate Item Right Mouse 3 Scroll.png ? ?

alt + Mouse 2.png

R2+L2+Cross RT+LT+A


Option Default primary
keyboard key
Default secondary
keyboard key
PlayStation 5 control Xbox Series X|S contol
Prepare Main Attack


Toggle Group Hide ⇧ Shift +C HoldDown on directional pad HoldDown on directional pad
Toggle Hide C
Jump Z
Shove V
Throw X
Toggle Climbing

Left⇧ Shift

Toggle Weapon Set F
Toggle Dual Wielding R
Sheathe/Unsheathe Weapon U
End Turn    Space    Triangle Y
Cancel End Turn    Space    Triangle Y
Enter Turn-Based Mode

⇧ Shift +   Space   

Leave Turn-Based Mode

⇧ Shift +   Space   

Short Rest Y
Flee From Combat

⇧ Shift +   Space   

Toggle Group Mode G

Adventure Panels

User Interface




