| classes = Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Knowledge Domain, Circle of Spores
| classes = Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Knowledge Domain, Circle of Spores
| class learns at level 7 = Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Knowledge Domain, Circle of Spores
| class learns at level 7 = Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Knowledge Domain, Circle of Spores
| summary = This spell confuses a group of creatures
| class learns at level 2 =
| races =
| race learns at level 1 =
| race learns at level 2 =
| summary = This spell allows spellcaster to confuse a group of creatures, drastically reducing their effectiveness in combat.
| description = Befuddle a group of creatures, causing them to attack at random, wander around aimlessly, and occasionally skip turns in the stupor.
| description = Befuddle a group of creatures, causing them to attack at random, wander around aimlessly, and occasionally skip turns in the stupor.
| action type = action
| action type = action
| concentration = Yes
| attack roll =
| damage =
| damage modifier =
| damage type =
| damage save =
| damage save effect =
| damage per =
| extra damage =
| extra damage modifier =
| extra damage type =
| extra damage save =
| extra damage save effect =
| extra damage per =
| concentration = yes
| range = ranged
| range = ranged
| range m = 18
| range m =
| range ft = 60
| range ft =
| aoe = radius
| aoe = radius
| aoe m = 6
| aoe ft = 20
| condition = Confused
| condition = Confused
| condition duration = 3
| condition duration = 3
| condition save = Wisdom
| condition save = Wisdom
| higher levels = Affects a larger area at higher levels.
| area =
| notes =
| area category =
| area shape =
| area range m =
| area range ft =
| area duration =
| area turn start damage =
| area turn start damage type =
| area turn start damage save =
| area turn start damage save effect =
| area turn end damage =
| area turn end damage type =
| area turn end damage save =
| area turn end damage save effect =
| area condition =
| area condition 2 =
| area condition 3 =
| area condition 4 =
| higher levels = [[Spells#Upcasting|Upcast]]: Affects a larger area at higher levels.
| variants =
| notes = * Also granted to {{Class|Warlock}}s who choose the [[Eldritch Invocation]] '''Dreadful Word''' at level 7+.
| video = Confusion Visuals.mp4
| video = Confusion Visuals.mp4
== External Links ==
== External Links ==
* {{FRWiki|Confusion|long}
* {{FRWiki|Confusion|long}}
Revision as of 09:26, 20 August 2023
Confusion is a level 4 enchantment spell. This spell allows spellcaster to confuse a group of creatures, drastically reducing their effectiveness in combat.
Befuddle a group of creatures, causing them to attack at random, wander around aimlessly, and occasionally skip turns in the stupor.