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== Basics of Combat ==

==  '''Party Composition:''' ==
The goal of combat is to reduce your enemies HP (Health Points) to zero (or 1 if you have non-lethal toggled on).  
In Baldurs Gate 3, a party is made of 2 or more characters. The upper limit of characters in a party is 4.

'''To be clear, it is not required to think about Party Composition in order to play the game.''' Thinking of what characters are within your party can help a player understand what their characters are capable of, identify strengths and weaknesses, and overall help one better understand how the party interacts with the game and one another as a whole.
When combat begins, your characters and the enemy will roll '''Initiative'''. This is a d20 (1-20) with a characters Dexterity acting as the modifier to this. Based on how characters rolled, they will take turns based on where they fell in that order.  
In order to begin discussing Party Composition, we need to discuss generally what a characters "role" is within a given party.  

Combat in Baldur's Gate 3 runs on '''Actions'''. Every class/enemy/character has at minimum 1 '''Full Action''' and 1 '''Bonus Action''' during their turn'''.''' Certain actions, abilities, items and spells can  will cost either a '''Full Action''' or a '''Bonus Action''' (occasionally alongside a class specific resource like a spell slot).

Characters can fill specific roles within said party based on a variety of factors such as class, items, playstyle, role play potential and ability scores.

Roles are just one way of viewing how a party is comprised and built. Many classes and characters can often fulfill multiple roles within their party. Overlap can and will occur depending on how the character or player chooses to play, how they level up, the class, race and other factors can all contribute to overall character diversity, their role and how those characters build a party.
Certain classes, abilities, potions, items or spells and increase or decrease the amount of actions and bonus actions any given character may get to utilize on their turn.  
== Roles: ==
A role is in a general sense what your character is good at or can accomplish within a party. Just because your character might be "generally" good at something, does not mean you "have" to fulfill a particular role. Typically, your characters role can be broken down into 2 distinct areas. '''In Combat''', and '''Outside of Combat'''.

=== Actions ===
'''<u>Full Action</u>''' - A costs a character 1 full {{Action}} resource. These actions typically commit your character to attacking, buffing themselves or an ally, or debuffing the enemy. Every class has 1 {{Action}} per turn (unless under the affects of Haste).
{| class="wikitable"
|+Notable Actions
|Main hand Attack
|Attack with the weapon in your main hand
|Double your movement speed
|Assist a party member
|Throw an item
'''<u>Bonus Action</u>''' - Costs a character 1{{action|bonus}}  resource. These are typically "less" impactful than full actions, but still powerful. You only get 1 per turn (unless you are a Thief who gets 2, or under the effect of the Helmet of Grit).
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+Notable Bonus Actions
!In Combat Roles
!Out of Combat Roles
|Jump a distance based on your strength.
|Attempt to hide (If you are the Rogue Class)
|Dip your weapon in a surface. 
| - What does your does your character do in a combat scenario? Do they hide in the bushes and attack from the shadows? Do they run head first into danger? Perhaps they cast spells to blast their enemies away, or instead buff allies. Many different factors, abilities, spells, items and other things can impact what your character "generally" gets up to during any given combat encounter.
| - What does your character do when exploring the world? Are they learned in history of the region? Are they perceptive enough to see hidden clues? Do they have knowledge of Arcane Magic and able to utilize it when found? Do they have knowledge of lockpicking or perhaps are skilled with using magical items? Your party will encounter obstacles throughout your travels and depending on how you want to approach those obstacles, particular characters might be better (or worse) at overcoming them.
|Drink a potion

=== Factors that Affect Roles ===
=== Action Economy ===
In game systems, players and the enemy run on what is known as the '''Action Economy'''. This is the relationship between how many actions the player gets to take on their turn in contrast to the number of actions that the enemy gets to take on their turn. The goal of any given encounter is to incapacitate or reduce your enemies HP to zero. In order to do so, characters take turns using actions and bonus actions to attack, buff party members, and debilitate their opponents.

==== Ability Scores ====
A characters ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma) play a vital role in not just character creation, but the role your character could play. A character who has a large amount of strength might focus on dealing damage with melee weapons. A character with high Charisma might focus on conversations or buying and selling items to merchants (the "face" of the party). A character with high intelligence might perform certain ability checks

==== Class ====
The '''economy''' is how many actions and bonus actions the characters and enemies have at their disposal on any given turn. For example:
Certain classes receive innate proficiencies with particular skills and weapons. Additionally, classes have many differences in regards to the actions and spells they might have access to, impacting what they might do both in and out of combat.  

==== Race ====
{| class="wikitable"
Your race can impact a variety of things, such as the proficiencies you acquire (Weapons, Armor, Skills), starting Attributes (Humans receive +1 to every attribute to start) and more thematically, race can change how the world of the Forgotten Realms perceives you (A Drow character might be met with suspicion while a Halfing might be welcomed into a tavern or inn more easily)
|+Player's Party
!# of {{action}}s (per turn)
!# of {{action|bonus}}s (per turn)
|Rogue (Thief)
| colspan="2" |Total
|4 {{action}}s
|5 {{action|bonus}}s
Whilst engaged in combat with the enemy goblins below, our party has at their disposal, 4 Full actions, and 5 Bonus actions  between them.
{| class="wikitable"
!# of {{action}}s (per turn)
!# of {{action|bonus}}s (per turn)
|Goblin 1
|Goblin 2
|Goblin 3
|Goblin 4
|4 {{action}}s
|4 {{action|bonus}}s
In contrast, there are 4 Goblins, meaning that at the start of combat the enemy has access to 4 {{action}}s  5 {{action|bonus}}s

==== Role Play ====
As combat proceeds, you and the enemy will expend actions to attack/harm/cast spells/buff/debuff enemies and allies until either you or your opponents win. The Action economy is an important tool to understanding your resources as a party, and what you can accomplish as a team.  
Regardless of class, race, even ability scores, what you want your character to do, feel and react to in the world around them will impact what role they might be playing with a party or game.

Would you like your character to be the know it all who jumps at the chance to explain an important detail? Or perhaps the lovable buffoon who fights on the frontline to protect their friends from harm? How you choose to play your character can impact the role that you fulfill.
=== Positioning ===
Your '''position''' is at is most basic, where your character is on the battlefield. Additionally, your position in relation to your party members and the enemies you are facing. Positioning impacts many aspects of combat and can change rapidly depending on the actions and movement of other party members and enemies.  

=== Out of Combat ===
Outside of combat, generally speaking, your character or party will encounter other people, races, scenarios and other events that allow you to flesh out your character and the actions they would take given the scenario. A characters out of combat role varies greatly depending on the person playing them. While the factors noted above will still impact your Out of Combat Role, for the most part, any character can attempt to fulfill any out of combat role. The factors noted above will instead help determine how "good" or "bad" a particular character might be at any given task.

==== For Example: ====
The class of your character, their equipment, and how you are choosing to play them impacts how effective you will be in any given position, as well as the threat they pose to enemies who approach them.  
The party below is investigating a creepy dungeon.  

Some important positions are as follows:

Tav 1: Barbarian - Stats - 17/10/16/8/10/10
==== <u>The Front Line</u> ====
The front line is the line or area in which the front of your party will engage the enemy. Typically, it is made up of classes which excel in melee combat and have the health, armor and weapons to hold a position without being killed easily.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Who Excels on the Front Line?
|A melee fighter excels at damage solid damage output, along with sustain with abilities like Action Surge and Second Wind.
|Barbarians utilize the ability known as Rage, giving themselves +2 to damage and often special affects. It will subside unless the Barbarian either makes an attack or is harmed by an attack. Often they wish to be in the thick of the battle maintaining this ability. With their high Health Points and ability to dish out advantaged attacks with their ability Reckless Attack, they can tear their way through enemies.
|Rangers are versatile, and depending on their subclass, can both support the team, and dish out tremendous damage. They have Med. Armour Prof. and
|A paladin does well as a melee attacker. With strong attacks, their Smite ability and support spells, they are able to kill enemies quickly while also providing support when needed.

Tav 2: Rogue - Stats - 10/16/14/12/10/10
==== <u>The Backline</u> ====
The back line is the area that is encompassed by characters or classes that require a bit more cover, are further away from the enemy to conserve health, resources and their movement abilities
Tav 3: Wizard - Stats - 8/14/14/17/10/10
{| class="wikitable"
|+Who Excels on the Back Line?
Tav 4: Bard - Stats - 8/16/14/10/10/16
The door to the dungeon is locked. In order to find a way into the dungeon, they could break in (lock pick), use some magical means of opening the door, break the door down, or perhaps persuade a local into giving them the key.
|They have lowered heath and cannot wear armor unless granted by a race or feat. Frail, but incredibly versatile. Able to dish out damage and support.  
The Rogue, with his high '''Dexterity''', would stand the best chance of succeeding in lockpicking the door open.
|Depending on class, they have typically more AC than the Wizard. But are
The Wizard might have a spell or would be more likely to succeed an Arcana Ability check on the door. Investigating it for magical influence.  
The Barbarian could perhaps try bashing the door down with his incredible '''Strength.'''
The Bard could start up a conversation with a local who might know more about opening said door. His high '''Charisma''' will help with any persuasion, deception, or intimidation checks that might be needed in order to obtain the key.
How a party approaches different obstacles or interact with the world around them will vary wildly. This is also not to say that characters outside of a "typical" class can't also attempt those same actions.
Perhaps the Wizard is quite boastful and attempts to break the door down with his staff. Or the Bard, teasing the Rogue, tries his hand at lockpicking. Just because a particular character might be the "best" at any given task, doesn't mean that other characters can't attempt them. How you choose to play and how your characters play off one another and the world around them all contribute to a fun and enjoyable campaign.  
=== Combat Roles ===
==== Striker/Blaster: ====
DPS (Damage Per Second) or in the case of turn based combat, Damage Per Turn. A class or character who's main focus is dishing out damage and doing so consistently.
==== Tank: ====
A tank draws aggro (enemy aggression). A character who can take a few hits, while drawing enemy attention away from their allies whether through certain abilities (Goad) or by simply playing right in the enemies face.

==== Support: ====
==== <u>High Ground</u> ====
A support focuses on buffing allies and debuffing enemies, typically through abilities or spells.
High Ground - Area or space above a given target. When your character is above another in height (on a roof, at the crest of a hill etc. . .) you will have a bonus to your attack rolls known as "high ground".  

==== Controller: ====
High ground gives characters a +2 to your attack rolls if you are attacking an opponent that is below you (typically with a ranged attack or throwing weapon).  
A character who through their spells/abilities/playstyle focus on CC (Crowd Control) and/or controlling the pace of the fight itself.

=== Notes ===
In contrast, characters attempting to attack an opponent who has high ground above them have a -2 to their attack rolls (typically with a ranged attack or throwing weapon).
Generally speaking, certain classes or characters might be "better" at fulfilling certain roles within a party, just because of how their class is built, what attributes work well with a given class, and what abilities or spells they have access to.

High ground is immensely important as a tool to maintain line of sight of the enemy, as well as provide your characters a free bonus to their attacks landing on any enemies below them. Additionally, high ground acts as a form of cover. Should your character need to hide, or leave the line of sight of the enemy as a defensive measure, you can do so.

But any character, with enough thought put in, can fulfill almost any role!
==== <u>Putting it all together</u> ====

Latest revision as of 23:52, 17 July 2023

Basics of Combat[edit | edit source]

The goal of combat is to reduce your enemies HP (Health Points) to zero (or 1 if you have non-lethal toggled on).

When combat begins, your characters and the enemy will roll Initiative. This is a d20 (1-20) with a characters Dexterity acting as the modifier to this. Based on how characters rolled, they will take turns based on where they fell in that order.

Combat in Baldur's Gate 3 runs on Actions. Every class/enemy/character has at minimum 1 Full Action and 1 Bonus Action during their turn. Certain actions, abilities, items and spells can will cost either a Full Action or a Bonus Action (occasionally alongside a class specific resource like a spell slot).

Certain classes, abilities, potions, items or spells and increase or decrease the amount of actions and bonus actions any given character may get to utilize on their turn.

Actions[edit | edit source]

Full Action - A costs a character 1 full Action resource. These actions typically commit your character to attacking, buffing themselves or an ally, or debuffing the enemy. Every class has 1 Action per turn (unless under the affects of Haste).

Notable Actions
Action Description
Main hand Attack Attack with the weapon in your main hand
Dash Double your movement speed
Help Assist a party member
Throw Throw an item

Bonus Action - Costs a character 1 Bonus action resource. These are typically "less" impactful than full actions, but still powerful. You only get 1 per turn (unless you are a Thief who gets 2, or under the effect of the Helmet of Grit).

Notable Bonus Actions
Bonus action Description
Jump Jump a distance based on your strength.
Hide Attempt to hide (If you are the Rogue Class)
Dip Dip your weapon in a surface.
Potions Drink a potion

Action Economy[edit | edit source]

In game systems, players and the enemy run on what is known as the Action Economy. This is the relationship between how many actions the player gets to take on their turn in contrast to the number of actions that the enemy gets to take on their turn. The goal of any given encounter is to incapacitate or reduce your enemies HP to zero. In order to do so, characters take turns using actions and bonus actions to attack, buff party members, and debilitate their opponents.

The economy is how many actions and bonus actions the characters and enemies have at their disposal on any given turn. For example:

Player's Party
Character Class # of Actions (per turn) # of Bonus actions (per turn)
Shadowheart Cleric 1 1
Astarion Rogue (Thief) 1 2
Lae'Zel Fighter 1 1
Tav Warlock 1 1
Total 4 Actions 5 Bonus actions

Whilst engaged in combat with the enemy goblins below, our party has at their disposal, 4 Full actions, and 5 Bonus actions between them.

Character # of Actions (per turn) # of Bonus actions (per turn)
Goblin 1 1 1
Goblin 2 1 1
Goblin 3 1 1
Goblin 4 1 1
Total 4 Actions 4 Bonus actions

In contrast, there are 4 Goblins, meaning that at the start of combat the enemy has access to 4 Actions 5 Bonus actions

As combat proceeds, you and the enemy will expend actions to attack/harm/cast spells/buff/debuff enemies and allies until either you or your opponents win. The Action economy is an important tool to understanding your resources as a party, and what you can accomplish as a team.

Positioning[edit | edit source]

Your position is at is most basic, where your character is on the battlefield. Additionally, your position in relation to your party members and the enemies you are facing. Positioning impacts many aspects of combat and can change rapidly depending on the actions and movement of other party members and enemies.

The class of your character, their equipment, and how you are choosing to play them impacts how effective you will be in any given position, as well as the threat they pose to enemies who approach them.

Some important positions are as follows:

The Front Line[edit | edit source]

The front line is the line or area in which the front of your party will engage the enemy. Typically, it is made up of classes which excel in melee combat and have the health, armor and weapons to hold a position without being killed easily.

Who Excels on the Front Line?
Class Why?
Fighter A melee fighter excels at damage solid damage output, along with sustain with abilities like Action Surge and Second Wind.
Barbarian Barbarians utilize the ability known as Rage, giving themselves +2 to damage and often special affects. It will subside unless the Barbarian either makes an attack or is harmed by an attack. Often they wish to be in the thick of the battle maintaining this ability. With their high Health Points and ability to dish out advantaged attacks with their ability Reckless Attack, they can tear their way through enemies.
Ranger Rangers are versatile, and depending on their subclass, can both support the team, and dish out tremendous damage. They have Med. Armour Prof. and
Paladin A paladin does well as a melee attacker. With strong attacks, their Smite ability and support spells, they are able to kill enemies quickly while also providing support when needed.

The Backline[edit | edit source]

The back line is the area that is encompassed by characters or classes that require a bit more cover, are further away from the enemy to conserve health, resources and their movement abilities

Who Excels on the Back Line?
Class Why
Wizard They have lowered heath and cannot wear armor unless granted by a race or feat. Frail, but incredibly versatile. Able to dish out damage and support.
Sorcerer Depending on class, they have typically more AC than the Wizard. But are

High Ground[edit | edit source]

High Ground - Area or space above a given target. When your character is above another in height (on a roof, at the crest of a hill etc. . .) you will have a bonus to your attack rolls known as "high ground".

High ground gives characters a +2 to your attack rolls if you are attacking an opponent that is below you (typically with a ranged attack or throwing weapon).

In contrast, characters attempting to attack an opponent who has high ground above them have a -2 to their attack rolls (typically with a ranged attack or throwing weapon).

High ground is immensely important as a tool to maintain line of sight of the enemy, as well as provide your characters a free bonus to their attacks landing on any enemies below them. Additionally, high ground acts as a form of cover. Should your character need to hide, or leave the line of sight of the enemy as a defensive measure, you can do so.

Putting it all together[edit | edit source]