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(grand slam weapon action)
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{{WeaponActionPage|icon=Action Mag GrandSlam.png|description=Slam your weapon into the ground, thunderously impacting nerby foes and possibly pushing them away.
| icon = Action Mag GrandSlam.png
on Save: Targets still take half damage.
| action type = standard
| weapons = Corpsegrinder
The target can't be pushed if it's Large or Huge in size.|weapons=Corpsegrinder|action type=standard|damage=1d8|damage type=Bludgeoning|damage modifier=Proficiency|extra damage=4|extra damage type=Thunder|aoe m=3|aoe ft=9.8|recharge=Short Rest|condition save=DEX Save}}
| description = Slam your weapon into the ground, thunderously impacting nearby foes and possibly pushing them away.
| damage = 1d8
| damage type = Bludgeoning
| damage modifier = Proficiency
| extra damage = 4
| extra damage type = Thunder
| aoe = circle
| aoe m = 3
| aoe ft = 9.8
| recharge = Short Rest

Revision as of 13:26, 16 September 2023

Grand Slam is a weapon action granted by Corpsegrinder.


Slam your weapon into the ground, thunderously impacting nearby foes and possibly pushing them away.


AoE: 3 m / 9.8 ft (Radius)
Recharge: Short rest

How to learn

Granted by the weapons: