| summary = It makes the caster and their allies appear more charismatic to the affected creature.
| classes = Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
| description = Enchant a non-hostile creature to gain {{Advantage}} on [[Ability Check|Charisma Checks]] against it. Once the spell ends, the creature knows it was charmed and might accuse the spellcaster.
| class learns at level 1 = Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
| action type = action
| class learns at level 3 = Eldritch Knight, Arcane Trickster
| races = High Elf, High Half-Elf
| race learns at level 1 = High Elf, High Half-Elf
| summary = It makes the caster appear more charismatic to the affected creature.
| description = Gain {{Advantage}} on {{Ability|Charisma}} [[Checks]] against a non-[[hostile]] creature.
| extra description = This spell can be cast while you are {{Cond|Silenced}}.
| warning = {{Prereq|In higher difficulty modes, the target might accuse you of enchanting them.}}
| cost = action
| attack roll =
| damage =
| damage modifier =
| damage type =
| damage save =
| damage save effect =
| damage per =
| extra damage =
| extra damage modifier =
| extra damage type =
| extra damage save =
| extra damage save effect =
| extra damage per =
| concentration = yes
| range = ranged
| range m = 9
| range m = 9
| range ft = 30
| range ft = 30
| concentration = yes
| aoe =
| aoe m =
| aoe ft =
| condition = Friends
| condition = Friends
| condition icon = Friends Condition Icon.png
| condition description = You get {{Advantage}} on [[Ability Check|Charisma Checks]] directed at this creature.
| condition duration = 10
| condition duration = 10
| condition save =
| area =
| area category =
| area shape =
| area range m =
| area range ft =
| area duration =
| area turn start damage =
| area turn start damage type =
| area turn start damage save =
| area turn start damage save effect =
| area turn end damage =
| area turn end damage type =
| area turn end damage save =
| area turn end damage save effect =
| area condition =
| area condition 2 =
| area condition 3 =
| area condition 4 =
| higher levels =
| notes = * If cast on companions, they will lose 10 [[approval]] when the effect ends, regardless of difficulty. On Tactician and above difficulty, casting the cantrip on someone is considered a crime. Some targets may immediately become [[hostile]] if they see the caster upon the effect expiring.
** If using custom difficulty, this behaviour is specifically tied to the '''Additional Combat Mechanics''' option.
* Split Enchantment, the level 10 Enchantment Wizard feature, breaks the casting of this cantrip in dialogue dice rolling, and will not result in the roll being made with advantage.
| video = Friendship-showcase.mp4
[[Category:Spells that can be cast while silenced]]
== External links ==
* {{FRWiki|Friends|long}}
Revision as of 06:05, 22 November 2024
Friends is a cantrip (Enchantment). It makes the caster appear more charismatic to the affected creature.
If cast on companions, they will lose 10 approval when the effect ends, regardless of difficulty. On Tactician and above difficulty, casting the cantrip on someone is considered a crime. Some targets may immediately become hostile if they see the caster upon the effect expiring.
If using custom difficulty, this behaviour is specifically tied to the Additional Combat Mechanics option.
Split Enchantment, the level 10 Enchantment Wizard feature, breaks the casting of this cantrip in dialogue dice rolling, and will not result in the roll being made with advantage.