* Also granted by {{RarityItem|Dark Justiciar Half-Plate (Rare)}} and {{RarityItem|Dark Justiciar Half-Plate (Very Rare)}} as {{SAI|Shar's Aegis}} with {{Recharge|Long Rest}}.
* Also granted by {{RarityItem|Dark Justiciar Half-Plate (Rare)}} and {{RarityItem|Dark Justiciar Half-Plate (Very Rare)}} as {{SAI|Shar's Aegis}} with {{Recharge|Long Rest}}.
* Larian Homebrew: In the original D&D 5th Edition Tabletop the spell only lasts a maximum of 10 minutes (100 Turns).
* Larian Homebrew: In the original D&D 5th Edition Tabletop the spell only lasts a maximum of 10 minutes (100 Turns).
* The incantation for Shield of Faith is '''Mactē Virtutē''', the Latin command "honour with virtue!"
Shield of Faith is a level 1 abjuration spell. This spell allows spellcasters to surround themselves or an ally with divine protection and gain a bonus to their Armour Class.
Surround a creature with a shimmering field of magic that increases its Armour Class by 2.