1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
name | String | Incubate Death |
image | File | |
controller_icon | File | Generic Necrotic Icon.webp |
icon | File | Generic Necrotic Unfaded Icon.webp |
spell_level | String | |
spell_school | String | |
is_spell | Boolean | No |
is_weapon_action | Boolean | No |
is_concentration | Boolean | |
is_ritual | Boolean | |
aoe | String | |
aoe_size | String | |
is_npc | Boolean | |
can_upcast | Boolean | |
has_attack_roll | Boolean | |
description | Wikitext | Spawn a skeletal involucre. After 1 turn, the involucre explodes, dealing 3d8Necrotic damage and birthing a necromite.
extra_description | Wikitext | |
brief | Wikitext | |
action_type | String | bonus |
spell_range | String | 24/ |
classes | List of String, delimiter: , | |
save | String | DEX |
damage | String | 3d8+3 |
damage_type | String | Necrotic |
damage_modifier | String | |
extra_damage | String | |
extra_damage_type | String | |
extra_damage_modifier | String | |
extra_damage_2 | String | |
extra_damage_type_2 | String | |
extra_damage_modifier_2 | String | |
extra_damage_3 | String | |
extra_damage_type_3 | String | |
extra_damage_modifier_3 | String | |
damage_save | String | |
is_healing | String | |
condition_duration | String | |
recharge | String | |