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Field Field type Allowed values Value condition_inflicted String Frozen template String cond parent Page parent_template String type String area · condition · creature · equipment · item · passive · spell · weapon condition dc String 12 save String CON duration String 2
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Field Field type Value name String Encrusted with Frost icon File Encrusted with Frost Condition Icon.webp
effects Wikitext
When there are 7 or more turns remaining, the entity must succeed a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 1d4Cold and become Frozen . On a successful save, it only takes half damage. Afterward, the frost sloughs away.
brief Wikitext types List of String , delimiter: , stack_id String MAG_FROST status_groups List of String , delimiter: , tick_type String start properties List of String , delimiter: , stack_type String additive creature String creature_actions List of String , delimiter: , condition_name String Frozen condition_save String CON condition_dc String 12 condition2_name String condition2_save String condition2_dc String condition3_name String condition3_save String condition3_dc String bugs Wikitext