14 August 2023
goodbye main namespace transclude page, you have been shifted (see page change for more details)
13 August 2023
no edit summary
no edit summary
Created page with "<!--kind of inspired by what gw2 wiki does with professions/spec pages--> <noinclude>Monk class navbox, used to get around the monk class and its various subclasses.</noinclude> <includeonly>{{clear}}{| class="wikitable nomobile" style="width: 60%; margin: auto;" |- ! colspan="2" | {{class|Monk}} |- ! style="width: 10%;"| Subclasses | {{SmIconLink|Open Hand.png|Way of the Open Hand}} •{{SmIconLink|Open Hand.png|Way of the Open Hand}} •{{SmIconLink|Shadow Icon.png|Way..."